肌力與體能教練的英文名稱叫做Strength Coach、Performance Coach,或者有些人會稱為Strength & Conditioning Coach,簡稱S&C Coach,但少有人稱作Conditioning Coach。
它跟坊間的健身教練,或是俗稱的personal trainer、fitness coach有什麼區隔?
在《Effective Coaching in Strength and Conditioning: Pathways to Superior Performance》一書,更是開宗明義直指「肌力與體能」就是在做提升表現的事情。(strength and conditioning is directly involved in enhancing performance.)
運動科學網站Science for Sport曾經分享過一段話,
“This is a WARNING to aspiring S&C coaches that I wish I got before getting so involved with the field... You may love the field, but chances are, it won’t love you back. Know that you can do everything right (e.g. get a bachelor’s and master’s in exercise or sport science, obtain professionally relevant certifications like the CSCS and/or SCCC, and complete numerous internships/apprenticeships and still not find a paid, full-time position in the end. Having the proper credentials doesn’t mean anything because the field is unregulated, and therefore oversaturated. Don’t believe me? Do a quick search of some of the S&C staffs at universities and pro sports teams in the US. I think you’ll be surprised by what you find. Some of the highest paid coaches, at the highest levels of the game have unrelated degrees (i.e. in disciplines that are not relevant to the profession). Or, they may possess a bachelor’s degree that is relevant, but don’t have a graduate degree (yet they preach that you need a master’s to work in the field... how ironic?). It’s pure politics. A good ol’ boy network that doesn’t care much about credentials. And, at the lower levels of the field (e.g. high schools and collegiate DII or DIII) you will likely struggle too since many small departments either don’t see a need for a S&C coach, or, they want to fill two voids with one individual. Most often, this is done by hiring a dual-role Athletic Trainer/Strength and Conditioning Coach position. If you’re like me, you didn’t go to school for the treatment of injuries - you went to school to study the enhancement of performance in apparently healthy individuals. So, you won’t be able to sit for the ATC exam, and in turn, you won’t be eligible for these combination jobs. This problem may only be remedied after 2030, when the NSCA will actually put appropriate prerequisites in place for the CSCS exam. But even then, everyone who has taken the exam prior to 2030 will be grandfathered in, so how much that will truly help with the advancement of the profession remains questionable. Also, know that if you are fortunate enough to land a position, the compensation package will likely be on par with jobs that you can get straight out of high school (e.g. $20,000 - $40,000), and expect to work 60-80+ hour work weeks consistently. Other factors to consider are the instability (if a team starts losing, you might catch the blame and be the one to go), and the demand to regularly relocate throughout the country on short notice. This is especially hard if you have or want to have a family. I am not one to tell people what to do in life, but I would strongly advise anyone looking to become a strength and conditioning practitioner at the high school level or beyond to think it through and make an informed decision. That’s why I took the time to write this - to help people not make the same mistakes as me, and so that they don’t find themselves down a rabbit hole with no recourse. If you still decide to go for it, sadly, even though they are two different disciplines, you may be better off going to school for athletic training instead of exercise/sport science so that you have a shot at the dual-role positions that are out there. That way, you can at least fall back on athletic training if things don’t work out in S&C. As for me, I’ve had enough. After 8 years (12 if you’re counting undergrad too) of trying to break through, I am about to hang up my whistle and move on to something else. Something reasonable. I feel for the others who gave it a good run, but came up short. Keep your head up. There’s more to life than this.”
如果你是正準備花近百萬出國念書的教練,請記住『who you know 』會比『what you know』更值得你去體會。